Our people

Our Staff

Nezahat Cihan

Chief Executive

Bob Nightingale MBE

Head of Engagement & Relationships

Rosa Coleman

Head of Sector Support & Grants

Philippa Hicks

Head of Events & Fundraising

Scott Hendrick

Head of Operations

Chris Scutt

Senior Programme Manager

Caroline Langdell

Senior Programmes Manager

Karolina Maroszek

Programmes Manager

Lukia Nomikos

Programmes Officer

Nicola Hewitt

Development and Partnerships Manager

Katie Isherwood

Events and Fundraising Officer

Nadoya Reid

Communications & Information Officer

Malak Sherif

Events and Fundraising Coordinator

Annie Lenton

Events and Fundraising Assistant

Elaine Ridealgh-Bradshaw


Our Trustees

We are indebted to our trustees for the time and effort they put into supporting LLST.



Our Patrons and Champions

We are immensely grateful for the unwavering support of our patrons and champions, who work hard to champion the cause in the community and beyond.

Support access to justice and join LLST’s fundraising events.


Please be aware that we are not able to provide legal advice. Please visit advicelocal.uk to find support in your area, or advicenow.org.uk for practical information.