Sector support

In addition to the fundraising and grant-giving we do, LLST is committed to supporting legal advice centres in being cost-efficient and sustainable. As a funder, we want to work with beneficiary agencies to be a resource of knowledge and support for the sector.

We offer Grants Plus support through our money-saving schemes, where we source IT hardware, archiving services, premises support, second-hand books, equipment, and more, as well as run a stationery buying group in order to reduce costs for advice agencies. We also run or fund places on training courses, depending on agencies’ needs, and offer advice, support, and guidance to beneficiaries where we can.

The London Specialist Advice Forum is run for our Centres of Excellence and other legal advice agencies in order to improve knowledge sharing in the sector, as well as providing peer support.

A weekly newsletter to the advice sector provides updates on news, information about events, resources, training opportunities, and vacancies. Please subscribe to the newsletter to hear more.

Money Saving Schemes

Money Saving streams and offers

London Specialist Advice Forum


London Specialist Advice Forum

Billing Project

London Specialist Advice Forum

Organisational Development & Infrastructure Support

Other Funding Opportunities

Skills Gap Report & Workforce Development

Advising Londoners Partnership

Our Grants Plus work for infrastructure support and organisational development is supported by the
National Lottery Community Fund and the City Bridge Trust.