Join LLST’s Virtual Great Legal Quiz via Zoom at 7:00pm on Wednesday 31 March!
Quiz questions are written by our wonderful supporter, Daniel, who is a professional quiz writer for television.
Our Quiz Master on the evening is London Funders’ Chief Executive, James Banks, who hosted our sold-out Great Legal Quiz in November 2019 and our virtual Quizzes throughout 2020.
In the interest of fairness we try to keep teams to 5-6 people so if you purchase 10 tickets be prepared to go head to head with your friends/colleagues as 2 smaller teams.
Tickets for this virtual event are limited so be sure to get them now to avoid disappointment!
Support access to justice and join LLST’s fundraising events.
Please be aware that we are not able to provide legal advice. Please visit to find support in your area, or for practical information.