Brighton Legal Walk

Thank you to over 100 walkers who descended on the South Coast for the Brighton Legal Walk 2023. We are thrilled to announce that over £6,000 has been raised so far!

A big thank you to HHJ Stuart Farquhar for leading the walk and to Jackie O’Quinn, the Mayor of Brighton & Hove, for attending the reception after the Walk.

The fundraising pages will remain open for sponsorship at the bottom of this page for post-event donations.

Photos from the event can be seen below!

Sponsors of the Brighton Legal Walk

The Solicitors’ Charity are the proud sponsors of our Legal Walk events in the South East.

The Solicitors’ Charity has been supporting solicitors in crisis since 1858. When times are hard, we provide financial, emotional and practical support to help people take back control.

The Solicitors’ Charity Website |  Twitter  |  LinkedIn

Support access to justice and join LLST’s fundraising events.


Please be aware that we are not able to provide legal advice. Please visit to find support in your area, or for practical information.